What DAW does Native Instruments use? (2022 Quick Guide)

Choosing the best DAW for native instruments maschine can be tricky. In this post, we’ll take a look at the best way to make a simple midi beat on a native maschine. Let’s get started.

There are plenty of reasons to choose one DAW over another, but choosing a DAW based on the features that work best for you is the best way to find the right solution. Here are three reasons why choosing the best DAW for your needs can make your life easier.

What DAW is best for native instruments?

Do I need to use Logic or Cubase if I’m a producer? And what about the workflow of Ableton Live users? Is it better to use something with more features or a simpler interface?

This is a great question—and one that’s been asked over and over again! The answer is that there is no “best” DAW. Different people have different preferences when it comes to choosing a DAW, so this can be a difficult choice for some.

That said, there are a few factors you should consider when picking your favorite DAW. Here’s a quick rundown on those factors:

Features: How many features does your DAW offer? Does it have the same core features as other DAWs, such as recording, mixing, and sequencing? How many plugins does it come bundled with? If it offers Plugins then are the versions current? Does the DAW offer access to a lot of music libraries and free samples?

Ease of use: Having the latest and greatest features and tools is a great idea if you are already an industry veteran with years of experience, but beginners have a different set of requirements. We focus on how easy it is to use a DAW and get pretty good results to help us get started, and not overly complicated systems that take months to learn and years to master.

Price: Is the price low enough that you can afford to buy it, and is it high enough that you’re not going to break the bank? Does the price include all of the features you need? Are there additional add-on features that are worth paying for?

Support: How do you get help when you need it?

5 of the best DAWs for Native Instruments 2022 

Every year there are many more users coming into the Digital Audio Workstation space, and although there is a lot of progress being made with software solutions, there are some pretty dominant players in the market. We have chosen 5 of the best known DAWs  for you to look at, each offers its own set of features, positives and negatives. Check back with us soon for a full review of each one.

PreSonus Studio One:  Presonus is a highly polished drag and drop interface that has a low resource footprint. It has great features such as a live performance setting, and many advanced features. It is easy to use, but can be prohibitively expensive for the full version, Presonus  Studio One Free is a free version that gives you many of the full version’s features. This is great for artists that are still coming to terms with how DAW software works. Find out more here.

Ableton Live: Ableton Live is a real winner when it comes to getting started with projects, thanks to its superior workflow layout. It is highly intuitive and makes it easy for new users to get started with experimentation and practice. You will find many impressive features within Ableton Live, but again, price may be a little off putting for some as it starts at around $99 for the Live Intro version, and goes up from there. Find out more here.

Steinberg Cubase: Has a massive userbase thanks to the fact that Steinberg also happens to be one of the biggest hardware and software creators in this space. They cater to musicians, producers, composers, and bedroom recording artists alike. There are many different versions of Cubase, so you will need to look at the best option for your intended application. Find out more here.

Reaper: Reaper is a highly customizable tool that has one of the most forgiving trial periods know to man. It is not free software, and is actually very reasonably priced. If you use the product, you really should buy a license to enjoy the full benefits of this software. It is highly versatile, but can be a bit of a resource hog if you have too many plugins running simultaneously. Find out more here

Apple Logic: Apple users need no introductions here: Apple Logic is one of the most used applications in Apple music production. It offers potent tools that let beat-makers, song-writers and sound engineers work seamlessly on projects with amazing results. If you are in the Apple ecosystem and you want to start recording on your Mac, then this is the place to start. Find out more here

What DAW does Native Instruments use?

There are so many different DAWs out there that it’s hard to figure out which one works best for your needs. And even if you do find the right one, it might be a struggle to learn everything you need to know. We like popular DAWs, including Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Reaper, and others too. We’ll also dive into how you can get started on the right track (pun intended), and explore ways to make your workflow easier.

Is Native Instruments a good DAW?

Native Instruments is not a DAW, they offer plugins that work in DAWs, or standalone software products that operate independently of a DAW.

What DAW works best with Kontakt?

It is purely subjective, but you can use it to good effect with Cubase, Logic and Pro Tools.

How do I know if my DAW is a good fit for my project? Is it a good idea to learn about software before choosing one?

The best way to answer these questions is by evaluating your personal needs, your budget, and the type of projects you work on. If you’re not sure where to start, we have a handy guide that can help you figure out which DAW is best for you.

Summary: In this post, we’ll cover the differences between DAWs, why they matter, and how to choose the right one for your needs. Let’s dive in!

Do I need to use Logic or Cubase if I’m a producer?

You do not have to use either of those, but people in the industry generally do so it is a good idea to at least familiarize yourselves with them even if you prefer another DAW for music production.


We hope that you have found this short informational article usefulin your search for the best DAW for Native Instruments. As you can see, there are many choices available to you if you have the requirements for your projects mapped out and well understood before you make a decision. Happy music creation, and we will see you next time!